Year 2011 is starting and, probably, it's going to represent a very interesting year for software developers. All Industries are realizing or have already realized that third party development represents a cornerstone for future growth and even existence. Telco, consumer, media and entertainment Industries give signals of a shift in this direction that will, for sure, enrich the business possibilities of start-ups and ISVs all around the World. The signals I see are:
1. The API business is boosting already does 400 million transactions a day. 50% of its transactions are API call.
What else can I say? Mentioning again that Twitter got to have 80% of its traffic generated by third party applications seems poor behind numbers. It's awesome and I expect that from other businesses soon.
2. The "APIconomy" is not only for Internet companies
The story of GoldCorp that starts WIKINOMICS, shows how mass collaboration can change the results of a company. But now it's about the APIs.
Embracing that, lots of companies are heading in this direction exposing their assets through APIs. Companies like ING, TESCO, SEARS and NYT have understood this is not only an opportunity but probably a neccesity to keep on competing and they are speeding up. I hope lots of others to follow soon.
3. The paranoia of control is stepping aside in the companies Innovation
As this Harvard Business School article says: "Innovation takes courage and the willingness to be out in front rather than following the herd".
And that's something we are seeing in companies that are bold enough to dare on assuming new technologies, new processes and new business propositions to leverage their assets. P&G, with that great figure showing that 50% of its sales are not coming from own developments, demonstrates different ways to face innovation became an advantage in the past: But, in the near future, it'll probably be a must.
Open Innovation is a reality, our companies cannot exist as isolated islands and require the support of third party innovation to ensure the future. Now it's about execution and APIs will play an important part on it.
4. Customers are eager to live new and richer experiences
Quoting TechCrunch, "Gartner’s estimates that the total app market was around $4 billion in 2010 and should grow to a whopping $27 billion by 2013". This shows a WOW growth and demonstrates customers are expecting new experiences and also the number of customers with access to those new services is growing rapidly. Smartphone sales growth and mobile internet penetration will spur new niche services that we cannot even imagine now.
5. It's not only about Smartphones
The "Internet of the things" is here. Smartphones are now the "Queen of the Party" but tablets are gaining importance quickly. In CES we'll see tens of new tablets, surely not all of them will get to the market, but the efforts and expectations in that arena are huge.
But consumer electronics will utilize these technologies in lots of our living experiences. Not only through Smartphones or tablets. Lots of other connected devices. Why not in a car, in your fridge or in whichever device you use?
6. Yes, not only about Smartphones, but the Smartphone is the killer
There are only two things in History that from their invention, apart from clothing, have gone with men as a must have. The watch and the wallet... cannot live without them. Or should I say, couldn't live without them?
The watch is being killed by the Smartphone, despite the iPhone alarm bug. And the wallet is on the way. NFC is becoming a reality and mobile payments will probably speed up as it's a hot market and certain acquisitions can be expected in that space.
And what to say about mobile advertising? Some may say it's a hype created by analyst but, as far as I see it, the potenciality is huge as 80% of my personal digital life ocurs through my mobile handset. That market has to grow and if it's not in 2011, it'll be the next year.
As soon as those opportunities cristalyze, the companies behind will expose those capacitites to developers through APIs to grab traction faster and better... Let's see what's the business model behind.
Well, under my view, all this makes 2011 an interesting year to be in SW development. There's going to be new things showing up and that will probably be the catalyst for a new stream of creativity, services and business opportunities.
Enjoy 2011!