Short about me:
Head of (the global initiative for developers of Telefonica), creative, hard working, change agent, father and husband. I love technology, challenges and having fun with the people I live with (family, friends and work mates)
Some more notes about me:
I've been during the last 10+ years working in Telefonica but I started my days working in small businesses and even creating my own stuff. All that took me to be the person I am, a positive, bold, enthusiastic and status quo challenger. I've always tried to do new things and make the places where I worked better places to be in.
From 2009 I've been working in a concept with the working name "Open Telefonica". And I have to say that I'm a lucky person. I've been offered a great challenge, it's tough what we are doing, but I have been gifted with something that makes me jump off bed everyday full of energy. I work with a fantastic team of people and my target audience, the developers, is really inspiring as those are the guys that have the ideas that will make the World better. The result of this work is BLUEVIA (go visit!)
In my life I've had the chance to travel a lot what has made me be a fan of different people and cultures. I've also lived abroad, short periods in UK when I was an student and almost 3 years in Czech Republic that really transformed my way of seeing life. I love Prague, its lifestyle and I've left some very good friends back there that I miss a lot...
My wife, my daughter and I live now in Madrid (Spain).
If you want to know more details about me proffesionaly or know what I think and say, let's get connected:
About the name of the Blog... put the blame on Om
Some people have asked me about why I called this Blog The Glass Wall Climber. It sounds pretentious but it's not. The reason is the next:
When I started this Blog I had the intense impulse to share with others the things that are happening in my business life, Experiences that might be useful to people that like to learn about others' views and interests. But I had a doubt, how to call it?
The answer come to me one day having breakfast with Om Malik (founder of GigaOm). It was James Parton and me explaining him what we are doing with Open Telefonica (BLUEVIA) and he was staring at us with a weird expression in his face. I asked him what was he thinking and he gave us an answer that was funny, clear and tough at the same time. He said: "You're trying to climb a wet glass wall".
And that was it. That's the reason I decided to call this Blog in this way. It's not pretentious, not at all. It's just a wish or even an intention!
As my personal blog, the views and opinions contained within GlassWallClimber are mine and mine alone, and therefore should not be misinterpreted as representative of Telefonica