
Saturday, December 31, 2016

My personal 2016: a great year

2016 has come to an end and I see everybody complaining about how it did go. Ok, it’s true that it has not been a good year in terms of politics and, most importantly, due to the terrible catastrophe of war and terrorism. These things are scary and I’m not sure we are taking our civilization in the right direction. But on a personal note, 2016 has been great for me and I want to share my interpretation of it.

It’s been about balance. I know you would think that I should have started saying that it was awesome, exciting, full of achievements or whatever that would make this year spark. But yeah, it’s been about balance. The balance in between the three parts of everybody’s life: family, own space and work. All of them have worked quite well, I’ll explain right after, but the important thing is that I have had the right portion of each of them to make me feel complete, happy in all senses.

In previous years of my life, although I cannot complain about how it has gone, it’s always been unbalanced. Too much work usually was the source of it. And I’m not talking about the time I spent in the office but about the quality of the time I spent out of it. Travelling too much didn’t help to keep up with family and self, but the source of all problems was not in travelling. The source of problems was about not having the right focus when outside of work-time; not to have the discipline to make something for me and to invest quality time with my family. So the focus was always in work… no matter how good or bad the work was, travels, blackberry (yeah, I used to have one) and then been exhausted all the time... By the way, being all day attending emails, calls and thinking only on work does not make you more productive, most of it is noise that can be ignored. So then it’s simple, it’s about having the right weight in each of life dimensions, if not life doesn’t feel rounded. But with the current balance I have had, it has made me enjoy everyday to its max.

During 2016 I have lived a life I had never lived in terms of family. In my current role at work I don’t need to travel. And that has made a big difference. I have had the chance of doing things I never did before. Enjoying a coffee with my wife in the morning, taking my kids to school, attending their amazing performances, having dinner with them… being around. And it’s not only about the time during the week but also on weekends. When I used to travel a lot, I got home usually tired, wanted to get in the couch and be a vegetable for the whole weekend in front of the TV, sleepy. Now, I have the energy to be part of the family activities and that has made the difference with my wife and kids.
I missed my family in Spain, that’s true, but at least the time I spent with my closer family was longer and of more quality

I call own space to that part of your time that you own deeply. It’s what you do with your own personal time. You can spend it with friends, reading, watching movies, practicing sports or doing whatever you please to. During 2015, mainly when I worked in Saudi, my own-space-time was a disaster. Working too long hours, stupid hours I’d say, left very little space for self. Getting back late to the hotel made me not even to want to got to the gym so I just hit the room as soon as possible and just read or watch series. It was too lazy.
In 2016, I decided to take a much more active role. I started challenging myself in running and have definitely improved a lot. By the way, I never liked running, but it has brought me the needed challenge to catalyze that thing inside that makes you push yourself everyday. It has triggered discipline, sacrifice and ambition… I’ve loved it
I’ve also enjoyed my friends in Dubai and met very cool people, but the daily challenge of training hard has really made the difference

Work has always been very important for me. Sometimes even obsessive. But what can I say?, I like it. But lately I had lost a bit the spice. I need to feel part of a bigger thing, to be challenged, to fight against the odds, to explore new businesses and technologies to get the best out of me, to be a part of a team with a common ambition. Probably, since I left running BlueVia in Telefonica I had never felt that. I had cool jobs, but none in which I could bring everything I have inside. But this year’s challenge was great. Got into a business line (Enterprise new business) at du that was making the same mistakes we lived in Telefonica Digital and we had to turn it upside down, transform not only the portfolio but also how everything was done. And we’ve made it.
It’s true that it was easier because I shared background with my boss so I didn’t have to argue with him about what was the best way forward. We were almost totally in the same wavelength. That way I could focus my energy in building the team, changing the roadmap, aiming at the right working model and hitting the market as fast and strong as we could. It has not been easy though, telco transformation is not an easy task but my colleagues and team have made it even a pleasure. And you know, if you work hard enough in the right direction, you just need a bit of luck to be successful… And there we go.

So, yes, it’s been about balance. But there are still things to improve. Now, I want to push on two sides: focus and quality in the three dimensions of life. I’ll write more about it soon. But, meanwhile, let’s celebrate the end of 2016 and wish everybody for a great and peaceful 2017.