
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The APIconomy growth in the retailer space: what about Europe and LatAm?

Yesterday I came across this article of a florist company offering an API to allow developers to ingest in their apps its flowers offer. They have a simple incentive for the usage of the API: they pay a 22% commission on flowers sales. Simple, straight forward and bloody brilliant.

We are already familiar with big consumer brands in the US taking this step forward. Tesco, Best Buy or Sears offering APIs with a different grade of maturity or commercial thinking but having something out there that others can use to create, out of the blue, a totally new way for those brands to engage with their customers. This recalls me more and more to the Business Darwin evolution shown by Sam Ramji in his Darwin's finches talk

But what about Europe and Latin America? Are there commercial brands already exposing APIs to generate a new "evolved" sales channel?

I'd love to have companies like Zara, El Corte Ingles, Harrods and others exposing APIs and enriching this new business space. I hope the Old Europe and the Promising LatAm react soon on this new space for competition/growth and this won't be, once again, a train that passes by without having us in.

If there are some examples out there, happy to hear about them


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